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Engineering Electives

Below are a list of courses that may serve as engineering electives for ChemE undergraduate students. A list of all UW courses, with credit value, description of the class, and name of instructor, if available, can be found on the University of Washington Course Catalogue.

Only one, 1-credit seminar is allowed to count toward engineering electives (e.g. CHEM E 301). A maximum of 9 credits of undergraduate research (CHEM E 299, CHEM E 499, of which no more than 3 credits may be CHEM 299) may count toward engineering electives. In order to take CHEM E 499, students must have a GPA in chemical engineering core courses of 3.00 or higher.

Courses marked with (*) have been pre-approved to count toward the NME option. Students may submit additional courses for consideration by emailing the course number and description to Courses submitted for consideration should have a significant emphasis on molecular or nano-science/engineering and have a level of rigor appropriate for junior or senior level students. (i.e., be at least identified as a 300 level course)

Aeronautics and Astronautics

AA 210 (4 cr) Engineering Statics                                              


BIOEN 215 (3) Intro to Bioengineering Problem Solving

BIOEN 420 (4)

Medical Imaging
BIOEN 440 (4) Introduction to Biomechanics
BIOEN 467 (3) Biochemical Engineering (w/CHEM E 467)
BIOENG 488 (4) Computational Protein Design*
BIOEN 490 (3) Engr. Materials for Biomedical Appls. (w/CHEM E 490)
BIOEN 491 (3) Controlled Release Systems (w/CHEM E 491)*
BIOEN 492 (3) Surface Analysis (w/CHEM E 458)*
BIOEN 493 (3) Advanced Surface Analysis (w/CHEM E 493)*

Bioresource Science and Engineering

BSE 406 (5) Natural Products Chemistry
BSE 420 (4) Bioresource Engineering I
BSE 426 (4) Bioresource Laboratory
BSE 430 (5) Papermaking Processes
BSE 436 (4) Bioresource Laboratory II
BSE 480 (4) Bioresource Design I
BSE 481 (5) Bioresource Design II

Chemical Engineering

CHEM E 301 (1) Leadership Seminar
CHEM E 309 (2) Creativity and Innovation (w/BSE 309)
CHEM E 341 (3) Energy and Environment I (w/ME/ PHYS/ ENVIR 341)
CHEM E 355 (3) Biological Frameworks for Engineers
CHEM E 375 (2) Chemical Engineering Computer Skills
CHEM E 442 (3) Renewable Energy (w/ME/PHYS/ENVIR 342)
CHEM E 434 (3) Physiological Transport Processes*
CHEM E 445 (3) Fuel Cell Engineering
CHEM E 458 (3) Surface Analysis (w/BIOEN 492)*
CHEM E 461 (3) Electrochemical Engineering*
CHEM E 467 (3) Biochemical Engineering (w/BIOEN 467)*
CHEM E 481 (3) Process Optimization
CHEM E 482 (3) Advanced Topics in Process Control
CHEM E 484 (3) Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers*
CHEM E 490 (3) Engineering Materials for Biomedical Appls. (w/BIOEN 490)*
CHEM E 491 (3) Controlled Release Systems (w/BIOEN 491)*
CHEM E 493 (3) Advanced Surface Analysis (w/BIOEN 493)*
CHEM E 497 (x) Special Projects in Chemical Engineering Design
CHEM E 499 (x) Undergraduate Research
CHEM E 510 (4) Mathematical Found. of Systems Theory (w/AA 546/EE/ME 510)
CHEM E 511 (1) Biomaterials Seminar (w/BIOEN 511)
CHEM E 554 (3) Nanoscale Science I: Contact Mechanics and Rheology*
CHEM E 560 (3) Reactions at Solid Surfaces
CHEM E 591 (1) Robotics and Control Systems Colloquium (w/AA/EE/ME 591)


CHEM 429 (3 cr) Chemical Separation Techniques
CHEM 460 (3) Spectroscopic Molecular Identification

Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE 220 (4 cr) Intro. to Mechanics of Materials
CEE 291 (2 cr) Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineers
CEE 307 (5) Construction Engineering
CEE 327 (5) Transportation Engineering
CEE 348 (4) Hydrology and Environmental Fluid Mechanics
CEE 349 (3) Case Studies in Environmental Engineering
CEE 352 (5) Introduction to Microbial Principles in Environmental Engineering
CEE 354 (5) Introduction to Chemical Principles in Environmental Engineering
CEE 356 (4) Quantitative and Conceptual Tools for Sustainability
CEE 357 (5) Environmental Engineering
CEE 337 (5) Constructional Materials
CEE 367 (4) Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 377 (3) Introduction to Structural Design
CEE 390 (3) Civil Engineering Systems
CEE 409 (5) Engineering Rome: Study Abroad
CEE 420 (3) Engineering with Developing Communities (DIV)
CEE 462 (3) Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Fresh Water
CEE 480 (3) Air-Quality Model
CEE 482 (3) Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
CEE 484 (3) Decentralized On-Site Wastewater Disposal and Reuse
CEE 487 (3) Solid-Waste Disposal
CEE 488 (3) Hazardous Wastes Engineering
CEE 490 (4) Air-Pollution Control
CEE 493 (3) Air Pollution Source Testing and Equipment Eval.

Computer Science & Engineering

CSE 143 (5 cr) Computer Programming II
CSE 160 (4) Data Programming
CSE 163 (4) Intermediate Data Programming
CSE 373 (4) Data Structures/Algorithms
CSE 410 (4) Computer Systems
CSE 412 (4) Introduction to Data Visualization
CSE 413 (4) Programming Languages and their Implementation
CSE 414 (4) Introduction to Database Systems
CSE 416 (4) Introduction to Machine Learning
CSE 417 (3) Algorithms and computational complexity

Electrical Engineering

E E 215 (4 cr) Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
E E 233 (5) Circuit Theory
E E 235 (5) Continuous Time Linear Systems
E E 486 Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Technology*

Industrial Engineering

IND E 250 (4 cr) Fundamentals of Engineering Economy
IND E 315 (3) Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Materials Science and Engineering

MSE 298 (1 cr) Introduction to Modern Materials
MSE 170 (4) Fundamentals of Materials Science
MSE 333 Materials Characterization*
MSE 463 (3) Corrosion and Wear of Materials
MSE 481 Science and Technology of Nanostructures*
MSE 483 (2) Nanomedicine*

Mechanical Engineering

ME 123 (4 cr) Introduction to Visualization and Computer-Aided Design (also VLPA)
ME 230 (4) Kinematics and Dynamics
ME 333 (4) Intro. to Fluid Mechanics
ME 341 (3) Energy and Environment I (w/CHEM E/PHYS/ENVIR 341)
ME 373 (5) Intro. to System Dynamics
ME 374 (5) Systems Dynamic Analysis and Design
ME 406 (3) Corrosion and Surface Treatment of Materials
ME 410 Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture*
ME 414, 416 Engineering Innovation in Health 
ME 426 (3) Renewable Energy II
ME 430 (4) Adv. Energy Conversion Systems
ME 469 (4) Applications of Dynamics in Engineering
ME 471 (4) Automatic Control
ME 559 (3) Intro. to Fracture Mechanics
ME 568 Active and Sensing Materials*

Nano and Molecular Engineering

NME 220 (4 cr)    Intro. to Molecular & Nanoscale Principles


PHYS 334 (3 cr) Electric Circuits Laboratory
PHYS 335 (3) Electric Circuits Laboratory
PHYS 421 (3) Atomic and Molecular Physics*
PHYS 423 (3) Solid-State Physics*
PHYS 433 Modern Physics Laboratory - Nuclear and Particle*