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Plan of Study

Sample Transfer Plans 

We're working with advisers at different Washington Community Colleges to create sample plans tailored specifically to each college. These are a great starting point for transfer students. See below! 

The Undergraduate Four-Year Plan of Study is a resource undergraduates can use to help select the appropriate courses, and is listed with the course number, credit count, and the quarter the course is offered. This is a sample that shows how students might plan courses to ensure meeting all admissions and graduation requirements on time. 

Courses listed in bold are required for admission to the program. The required CHEM E courses are offered only in the quarters listed. If you have any questions about your plans, please contact a departmental advisor. For course names, please see our curriculum page.

Continuation & Enrollment Courses: Prior to the start of the first spring quarter following entrance into the ChemE major, students must complete CHEM 162, PHYS 122, MATH 207. Students must complete CHEM 237, CHEM 238, PHYS 123, MATH 208, CHEM E 310 CHEM E 375 or equivalents prior to the start of the following autumn quarter. For more policies and continuation requirements, please see: 

Year One

Autumn Qtr Winter Qtr1 Spring Qtr
MATH 124 (5)* MATH 125 (5)* MATH 126 (5)*
CHEM 142 (5)* with lab CHEM 152 (5)* with lab CHEM 162 (5)* with lab
ENGL 131 (5) Other credits (5)** PHYS 121 (5)* with lab

Year Two

Autumn Qtr  Winter Qtr2  Spring Qtr
MATH 207 (3) MATH 208 (3) CHEM E 310 (4)
CHEM 237 (4)* CHEM 238 (4)* CHEM E 375 (3)
PHYS 122 (5)* with lab PHYS 123 (5)* with lab Other credits (5)**
Other credits (3-5)** Other credits (3-5)**  

Year Three 

Autumn Qtr
Winter Qtr
Spring Qtr
CHEM E 325 (4) CHEM E 326 (4)
Option: CHEM E 436 (3) or CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 330 (5) CHEM E 340 (4) CHEM E 457 (3)

CHEM 455 (3) OR 
CHEM E 456

Other credits (4-5)**
Other credits (6-8)**

Option: CHEM E 301 (1) 

Option: Engineering

Year Four

Autumn Qtr (cr) Winter Qtr (cr) Spring Qtr (cr)
CHEM E 435 (4) CHEM E 437 (3) CHEM E 486 (5) OR CHEM E 497 (4)****
CHEM E 465 (4) CHEM E 480 (4)
Option: CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 436 or CHEM E 455 (3)*** CHEM E 485 (4) Other credits **
Other credits (3-5)** Other credits (min 1 cr)** OR CHEM E 497 (3)****  


*The Honors sections of these courses can be substituted. Additionally, students can take the accelerated CHEM series (CHEM 143 and 153) in lieu of the full general chemistry series and the accelerated organic chemistry series (CHEM 223 and 224) in lieu of CHEM 237 and 238. 

**Other credits may be engineering electives (16 credits are required); the final math course, VLPA (humanities) and I&S (social sciences) (24 credits required, at least 10 in each category); or other courses. For a list of all courses and credits required for the degree, see the Department of Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements.

***Students may use CHEM E 455 or CHEM E 460 to satisfy the the Molecular and Nano Engineering requirement. CHEM E 460 is offered spring quarters only and CHEM E 455 is offered autumn and spring quarter.  

****Students participating in a special design or capstone can replace CHEM E 486 with the credits from that option. 

Students interested in medical school or another health professional school may find valuable information, including a tailored plan of study, on our Pre-Health Planning page

Sample Transfer Plans

These sample plans of study use course numbers from specific community colleges, but they provide a guide for any student starting in a community college as an example. You may need to adjust based on what quarter you start and where you start in the math series, and our advisers are ready to help! Just use the links for appointment scheduling in the side bar.

Transfer students from Washington State Community colleges can use the Equivalency Guide to determine equivalency. Items listed in bold are requirements for admission - up to two can be in progress winter quarter when applying. Items listed in italics are recommended - they should be completed before the first autumn quarter at UW, so finishing them before transferring if possible is advantageous but not required. 

This sample plan of study uses Green River College course numbers, but it provides a guide for any student starting in a community college as an example. This sample uses three years to show that even students who are not ready for calculus can and should pursue engineering if they like! However, many students complete in fewer than three years.

Year One

Autumn Qtr- GRC Winter Qtr - GRC Spring Qtr - GRC
MATH 97 (5)* MATH& 141 (5)* MATH& 142 (5)*
CHEM& 140  CHEM& 161 (6)* with lab CHEM& 162 (6)* with lab
ENGL 101 (5) Other credits (5)** PHYS& 114 

Year Two

Autumn Qtr  - GRC Winter Qtr - GRC Spring Qtr  - GRC
MATH& 151 (5) MATH& 152 (5) MATH& 153 (5)
CHEM& 163 (6)* with lab CS 120 (2) ENGR 250 (5)
PHYS& 221 (5)* with lab PHYS& 222 (5)* with lab PHYS& 223 (5)

Year Three 

Autumn Qtr  - GRC
Winter Qtr  - GRC
Spring Qtr - UW
MATH 238 (5) MATH&254  (4)
CHEM E 310 (4)
CHEM& 261 (6)* CHEM& 262 (6) CHEM E 375 (3)

Technical Communication

Other credits (1-4)**
Other credits (1-4)**


MATH 208
UW Application Due Dec 15 ChemE Application Due Jan 15 Start at UW!

Year Four 

Autumn Qtr
Winter Qtr
Spring Qtr
CHEM E 325 (4) CHEM E 326 (4)
Option: CHEM E 436 (3) or CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 330 (5) CHEM E 340 (4) CHEM E 457 (3)

CHEM 455 (3) OR 
CHEM E 456

MATH 209 (3)
Other credits (1-4)**

Other credits (2-3)** -
CHEM E 301 (1) very common

Other credits (1-4)**
Option: Engineering

Year Five

Autumn Qtr (cr) Winter Qtr (cr) Spring Qtr (cr)
CHEM E 435 (4) CHEM E 437 (3) CHEM E 486 (5) OR CHEM E 497 (4)****
CHEM E 465 (4) CHEM E 480 (4)
Option: CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 436 or CHEM E 455 (3)*** CHEM E 485 (4) Other credits **
Other credits (3-5)** Other credits (min 1 cr)** OR CHEM E 497 (3)****  


This sample plan of study uses Centralia College course numbers, but it provides a guide for any student starting in a community college as an example. You may need to adjust based on what quarter you start and where you start in the math series, and our advisers are ready to help! Just use the links for appointment scheduling in the side bar.

Transfer students from Washington State Community colleges can use the Equivalency Guide to determine equivalency. Items listed in bold are requirements for admission - up to two can be in progress winter quarter when applying. Items listed in italics are recommended - they should be completed before the first autumn quarter at UW, so finishing them before transferring if possible is advantageous but not required. 


Summer Qtr- Centralia  Autumn Qtr- Centralia Winter Qtr - Centralia Spring Qtr - Centralia
MATH& 151 (5) MATH& 152 (5) MATH& 153 (5) MATH 212 (5)
CHEM& 139 CHEM& 161 (6) CHEM& 162 (6) CHEM& 163 (6)
ENGL 101 (5) PHYS& 221 (5) PHYS& 222 (5) PHYS& 223 (5)
      MATH 264  (3)

Year Two

Autumn Qtr  - Centralia
Winter Qtr  - Centralia
Spring Qtr - UW
Summer Qtr - UW
MATH 118 ENGR 203
CHEM E 310 (4)
CHEM 223
Other credits** Other credits** CHEM E 375 (3) CHEM 224


UW Application Due Dec 15 ChemE Application Due Jan 15 Start at UW!  

Year Three

Autumn Qtr
Winter Qtr
Spring Qtr
CHEM E 325 (4) CHEM E 326 (4)
Option: CHEM E 436 (3) or CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 330 (5) CHEM E 340 (4) CHEM E 457 (3)

CHEM 455 (3) OR 
CHEM E 456

MATH 209 (3)
Other credits (1-4)**

Other credits (2-3)** -
CHEM E 301 (1) very common

Other credits (1-4)**
Option: Engineering

Year Four

Autumn Qtr (cr) Winter Qtr (cr) Spring Qtr (cr)
CHEM E 435 (4) CHEM E 437 (3) CHEM E 486 (5) OR CHEM E 497 (4)****
CHEM E 465 (4) CHEM E 480 (4)
Option: CHEM E 455 (3) or
CHEM E 460 (3)***
CHEM E 436 or CHEM E 455 (3)*** CHEM E 485 (4) Other credits **
Other credits (3-5)** Other credits (min 1 cr)** OR CHEM E 497 (3)****