Below are a list of courses that may serve as engineering electives for ChemE undergraduate students. A list of all UW courses, with credit value, description of the class, and name of instructor, if available, can be found on the University of Washington Course Catalogue.
Only one, 1-credit seminar is allowed to count toward engineering electives (e.g. CHEM E 301). A maximum of 9 credits of undergraduate research (CHEM E 299, CHEM E 499, of which no more than 3 credits may be CHEM 299) may count toward engineering electives. In order to take CHEM E 499, students must have a GPA in chemical engineering core courses of 3.00 or higher.
Courses marked with (*) have been pre-approved to count toward the NME option. Students may submit additional courses for consideration by emailing the course number and description to Courses submitted for consideration should have a significant emphasis on molecular or nano-science/engineering and have a level of rigor appropriate for junior or senior level students. (i.e., be at least identified as a 300 level course)
Aeronautics and Astronautics
AA 210 (4 cr) |
Engineering Statics |
BIOEN 215 (3) |
Intro to Bioengineering Problem Solving |
BIOEN 420 (4)
Medical Imaging |
BIOEN 440 (4) |
Introduction to Biomechanics |
BIOEN 467 (3) |
Biochemical Engineering (w/CHEM E 467) |
BIOENG 488 (4) |
Computational Protein Design* |
BIOEN 490 (3) |
Engr. Materials for Biomedical Appls. (w/CHEM E 490) |
BIOEN 491 (3) |
Controlled Release Systems (w/CHEM E 491)* |
BIOEN 492 (3) |
Surface Analysis (w/CHEM E 458)* |
BIOEN 493 (3) |
Advanced Surface Analysis (w/CHEM E 493)* |
Bioresource Science and Engineering
BSE 406 (5) |
Natural Products Chemistry |
BSE 420 (4) |
Bioresource Engineering I |
BSE 426 (4) |
Bioresource Laboratory |
BSE 430 (5) |
Papermaking Processes |
BSE 436 (4) |
Bioresource Laboratory II |
BSE 480 (4) |
Bioresource Design I |
BSE 481 (5) |
Bioresource Design II |
Chemical Engineering
CHEM E 301 (1) |
Leadership Seminar |
CHEM E 309 (2) |
Creativity and Innovation (w/BSE 309) |
CHEM E 341 (3) |
Energy and Environment I (w/ME/ PHYS/ ENVIR 341) |
CHEM E 355 (3) |
Biological Frameworks for Engineers |
CHEM E 375 (2) |
Chemical Engineering Computer Skills |
CHEM E 442 (3) |
Renewable Energy (w/ME/PHYS/ENVIR 342) |
CHEM E 434 (3) |
Physiological Transport Processes* |
CHEM E 445 (3) |
Fuel Cell Engineering |
CHEM E 458 (3) |
Surface Analysis (w/BIOEN 492)* |
CHEM E 461 (3) |
Electrochemical Engineering* |
CHEM E 467 (3) |
Biochemical Engineering (w/BIOEN 467)* |
CHEM E 481 (3) |
Process Optimization |
CHEM E 482 (3) |
Advanced Topics in Process Control |
CHEM E 484 (3) |
Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers* |
CHEM E 490 (3) |
Engineering Materials for Biomedical Appls. (w/BIOEN 490)* |
CHEM E 491 (3) |
Controlled Release Systems (w/BIOEN 491)* |
CHEM E 493 (3) |
Advanced Surface Analysis (w/BIOEN 493)* |
CHEM E 497 (x) |
Special Projects in Chemical Engineering Design |
CHEM E 499 (x) |
Undergraduate Research |
CHEM E 510 (4) |
Mathematical Found. of Systems Theory (w/AA 546/EE/ME 510) |
CHEM E 511 (1) |
Biomaterials Seminar (w/BIOEN 511) |
CHEM E 554 (3) |
Nanoscale Science I: Contact Mechanics and Rheology* |
CHEM E 560 (3) |
Reactions at Solid Surfaces |
CHEM E 591 (1) |
Robotics and Control Systems Colloquium (w/AA/EE/ME 591) |
CHEM 429 (3 cr) |
Chemical Separation Techniques |
CHEM 460 (3) |
Spectroscopic Molecular Identification |
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEE 220 (4 cr) |
Intro. to Mechanics of Materials |
CEE 291 (2 cr) |
Introduction to AutoCAD for Civil Engineers |
CEE 307 (5) |
Construction Engineering |
CEE 327 (5) |
Transportation Engineering |
CEE 348 (4) |
Hydrology and Environmental Fluid Mechanics |
CEE 349 (3) |
Case Studies in Environmental Engineering |
CEE 352 (5) |
Introduction to Microbial Principles in Environmental Engineering |
CEE 354 (5) |
Introduction to Chemical Principles in Environmental Engineering |
CEE 356 (4) |
Quantitative and Conceptual Tools for Sustainability |
CEE 357 (5) |
Environmental Engineering |
CEE 337 (5) |
Constructional Materials |
CEE 367 (4) |
Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 377 (3) |
Introduction to Structural Design |
CEE 390 (3) |
Civil Engineering Systems |
CEE 409 (5) |
Engineering Rome: Study Abroad |
CEE 420 (3) |
Engineering with Developing Communities (DIV) |
CEE 462 (3) |
Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects on Fresh Water |
CEE 480 (3) |
Air-Quality Model |
CEE 482 (3) |
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse |
CEE 484 (3) |
Decentralized On-Site Wastewater Disposal and Reuse |
CEE 487 (3) |
Solid-Waste Disposal |
CEE 488 (3) |
Hazardous Wastes Engineering |
CEE 490 (4) |
Air-Pollution Control |
CEE 493 (3) |
Air Pollution Source Testing and Equipment Eval. |
Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 143 (5 cr) |
Computer Programming II |
CSE 160 (4) |
Data Programming |
CSE 163 (4) |
Intermediate Data Programming |
CSE 373 (4) |
Data Structures/Algorithms |
CSE 410 (4) |
Computer Systems |
CSE 412 (4) |
Introduction to Data Visualization |
CSE 413 (4) |
Programming Languages and their Implementation |
CSE 414 (4) |
Introduction to Database Systems |
CSE 416 (4) |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
CSE 417 (3) |
Algorithms and computational complexity |
Electrical Engineering
E E 215 (4 cr) |
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering |
E E 233 (5) |
Circuit Theory |
E E 235 (5) |
Continuous Time Linear Systems |
E E 486 |
Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Technology* |
Industrial Engineering
IND E 250 (4 cr) |
Fundamentals of Engineering Economy |
IND E 315 (3) |
Probability and Statistics for Engineers |
Materials Science and Engineering
MSE 298 (1 cr) |
Introduction to Modern Materials |
MSE 170 (4) |
Fundamentals of Materials Science |
MSE 333 |
Materials Characterization* |
MSE 463 (3) |
Corrosion and Wear of Materials |
MSE 481 |
Science and Technology of Nanostructures* |
MSE 483 (2) |
Nanomedicine* |
Mechanical Engineering
ME 123 (4 cr) |
Introduction to Visualization and Computer-Aided Design (also VLPA) |
ME 230 (4) |
Kinematics and Dynamics |
ME 333 (4) |
Intro. to Fluid Mechanics |
ME 341 (3) |
Energy and Environment I (w/CHEM E/PHYS/ENVIR 341) |
ME 373 (5) |
Intro. to System Dynamics |
ME 374 (5) |
Systems Dynamic Analysis and Design |
ME 406 (3) |
Corrosion and Surface Treatment of Materials |
ME 410 |
Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture* |
ME 414, 416 |
Engineering Innovation in Health |
ME 426 (3) |
Renewable Energy II |
ME 430 (4) |
Adv. Energy Conversion Systems |
ME 469 (4) |
Applications of Dynamics in Engineering |
ME 471 (4) |
Automatic Control |
ME 559 (3) |
Intro. to Fracture Mechanics |
ME 568 |
Active and Sensing Materials* |
Nano and Molecular Engineering
NME 220 (4 cr) |
Intro. to Molecular & Nanoscale Principles |
PHYS 334 (3 cr) |
Electric Circuits Laboratory |
PHYS 335 (3) |
Electric Circuits Laboratory |
PHYS 421 (3) |
Atomic and Molecular Physics* |
PHYS 423 (3) |
Solid-State Physics* |
PHYS 433 |
Modern Physics Laboratory - Nuclear and Particle* |