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Continuation of Program

While the University has general regulations governing scholastic eligibility for continuation, departments in the College of Engineering have adopted additional requirements in order to make the best use of the limited facilities and resources available and to provide reasonable assurance of academic success. The following criteria and procedures will be applied to all undergraduate students for determining continuance in the major program.

Basic Criteria for Continuation

  1. Full-time students must complete 12 or more credits per quarter that are applicable to the BSChE degree. An average of 15 hours per quarter is required to complete the minimum graduation requirements in the conventional 12 quarters. Once enrolled in CHEM E 310 students are required to move through the core coursework as a cohort (see the Plan of Study on the dept website); any deviation from the stated plan requires a petition. Students who fail to maintain registration in core coursework are dropped from the department. Students will be notified that they are due to be dropped from the department and may appeal the decision by submitting a letter outlining the extenuating circumstances and a graduation plan before the start of CHEM E 310 (see dept website).
  2. Part-time attendance is possible subject to approval by the chair of the department. Application for part-time status should be made prior to the first day of the quarter. Students who have received permission to attend part time must complete at least one course each quarter applicable to their degree.
  3.  Students are expected to follow the Plan of Study (see dept website) and be prepared to take CHEM E 310 (prerequisites: PHYS 122 and MATH 307) during the spring quarter following placement or admission. Prior to autumn quarter following CHEM E 310, students are expected to have the following courses complete: CHEM 142, CHEM 152, CHEM 162 (or CHEM 143, 153, or 145, 155, 165), CHEM 237 (or 223, 335), CHEM 238 (or 224, 335), MATH 124, 125, 126, 307, 308, (or MATH 134, 135, 136), PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123, AMATH 301 (or CSE 142), and English composition. Students who fail to do so are dropped from the department.
  4. Students seeking to pursue two or more degrees must submit an academic plan for approval by the department. Once approved, the academic plan will define the number of credits and courses applicable towards the degrees that must be completed each quarter to maintain satisfactory progress. Students may not add a second major after completion of the junior core.
  5. A student who has withdrawn from the UW or from a required chemical engineering course or who is dropped for non-payment of fees must obtain approval of the department admissions committee before registering or maintaining preregistration for subsequent chemical engineering courses.
  6. Students must obtain a minimum 2.0 grade in CHEM E 310 to remain in the department. Students who fail to do so are dropped from the department.
  7. Students must maintain a quarterly 2.00 GPA. Any students whose quarterly GPA falls below 2.00 is placed on departmental probation.
  8. All students must maintain both an overall and a chemical engineering 2.00 GPA. (For chemical engineering courses which are repeated, the chemical engineering GPA is based only on the first time a course is taken.)
  9. The minimum passing grade for any course is 0.7. A student may repeat a chemical engineering course only if less than that minimum grade (i.e., a failure) is received in a departmental course.
  10. Students admitted to the nanoscience and molecular engineering option (NME) must adhere to all the above criteria. Since NME coursework is offered in specified quarters only, student must enroll in these courses to be considered making satisfactory progress. Students not making satisfactory progress toward the NME option are dropped from that option.

Review and Notification of Progress

The progress of each student is reviewed each quarter. If a student's performance fails to meet the standards outlined above, the student is placed on probation the following quarter. The student receives notification in writing of the reason for probation. If the student does not remove his or her deficiencies in the following quarter, the student is notified in writing that he or she has been dropped from the Department.