Catalyst is the department's newsletter for alumni, published annually. Please contact with comments and items to be considered for the next issue.
2023 Edition
The University of Washington Chemical Engineering (ChemE) department continues to shape the narrative around what it means to be a chemical engineer, and much of the innovation starts outside the classroom. Explore the issue >>
2022 Edition
ChemE's are approaching sustainability, climate change and other environmental challenges from all angles. This issue highlights innovations that faculty and students are developing to speed us toward a decarbonized economy and a greener future. Explore the issue >>
2021 Edition
Read about new initiatives and growth in the department as campus life ramps back up. Plus: ChemE researchers' advanced manufacturing innovations, and one alum's road trip to reconnect with ChemE friends. Explore the issue >>
2020 Edition
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a drastic reinvention in ChemE. This issue explores how the department adapted to the new, mostly-remote environment. Plus: research highlights and student, faculty, and alumni accolades. Explore the issue >>
2019 Edition
This issue looks back on decades of leadership in biomaterials research, explores new "flipped classroom" courses in the ChemE curriculum, showcases undergraduate capstone design success, and more. Explore the issue >>
Fall 2018
Read about data science capstone projects, a new research center focused on bio-inspired design and assembly, the freshman Kitchen Engineering course, and more. Explore the issue >>
Fall/Winter 2017
How are the tools of Data Science transforming ChemE? Read features by Board Member Rick Hyman, Prof. David Beck and Prof. Jim Pfaendtner to learn more. Check out our donor spotlight, UW ChemE's distinguished alumni, award winning faculty, stellar students, and more in this edition of the Catalyst. More...
Fall 2016
Sustainability double features by board member Spencer Reeder and Prof. Holt, distinguished alumni, planned gifts, WChE, and big data in clean energy. Plus Bindra & Weyerhaeuser professorships installation and the class of 1966 50th reunion in this Fall 2016 Catalyst. More...
Winter/Spring 2016
A look into how innovation and entrepreneurship run deep in ChemE, student internships, "In Their Own Words" with three new professors. Plus Benson Hall renovations, distinguished alumni awards and faculty and student achievements, in the Winter/Spring 2016 Catalyst. More…
Winter 2015
Celebration of Prof. John C. Berg's 50th anniversary, Bindra Innovation Lab, Hugh Hillhouse on solar, the Clasen family and UW ChemE, introduction of three new faculty members - Venkat Subramanian, Vincent Holmberg and Andy Kim, plus awards and honors, in the Winter 2015 Catalyst. More…
Autumn 2013
ChemE team PolyDrop takes research from lab to market, we welcome new Assistant Professor Cole DeForest, plus Nano news, awards and honors, and updates from alumni, students, and ChemE Chair Dan Schwartz, in the Autumn 2013 Catalyst. More…
Autumn 2012
Major modifications to our Unit Operations Lab, a welcome to our new Assistant Professor James Carothers, and the launching of our re-designed Master's Program. Plus new grant funding, award announcements including our Distinguished Alum, and updates from alumni, students, and ChemE Chair Dan Schwartz, in the Autumn 2012 Catalyst. More…
Spring 2012
Chemical Engineering alumni, students, and faculty create innovative start-ups, the department launches a seminar series for early-career scholars, and ChemE Distinguished Alum announced. Read this and more, including updates from alumni, faculty, and ChemE Chair Dan Schwartz, in the Spring 2012 Catalyst. More…
Spring 2011
Engineering students, including current and former ChemE students, win competition for their clean water indicator. Samson Jenekhe works with UW colleagues on NSF solar energy grant. Hugh Hillhouse joins John Berg as Rehnberg Chair, and more updates from alumni, faculty, and ChemE Chair Dan Schwartz. More...
Spring 2009
Danilo Pozzo and colleagues update the ChemE 437 senior lab class to train a new generation of chemical engineers. Francois Baneyx wins a grant from the Gates Foundation to research new ways to create vaccines. AiCHE names Les Babb and Buddy Ratner among the "Top 100 Chemical Engineers" of all-time. Welcome Jim Pfaendtner to the faculty. More…
Fall 2008
Samson Jenekhe's research team is using nanowires to boost the efficiency of organic solar cells. The annual NUE UNIQUE workshop puts scanning probe microscopes in the hands of undergraduates. Ludmila Chistoserdova and colleagues develop a novel way to extract the complete genome of microoganisms in the mud of Lake Washington. More…
Winter 2008
Stu Adler and colleagues are developing a new method to test electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, a pervasive but unheralded part of modern technology. Shaoyi Jiang's research holds promise for a variety of anti-biofouling applications, from the maritime to medical industries. The IGERT program aims to create a new generate of experts in sustainable energy. More…